The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60711   Message #974411
Posted By: JedMarum
29-Jun-03 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Subject: RE: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
... this last week before the show is a lot of work. I've had a coupl eof out-of-town gigs in between the last few rehearsals ... and have a couple of smallgroup rehearsals left, our first (and only) full rehearsal on Wed night then stage/sound set up and we're on. It's going to be a damn good show.

Then I'll work at booking it around the US - if it works out, we'll develop and add/change - if not, it was a labor of love and (hopefully) a good one night stand!

I hope to have some good audio/video too.