The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #974444
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Jun-03 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Your chosen view of what you think life is, and what you think life is your religion. A religion does not require a church, a supreme being, a priestly order, a holy book or an organized set of written simply requires a belief structure about reality, and everyone has their own unique belief structure about reality...most commonly acquired from their parents, their culture, and their particular set of growing-up and living experiences.

If they are flexible, their belief structure will change and become enlarged through various experiences in the course of time, and they will become wiser, and their religion will become more realistic and tolerant of other religions. If they are inflexible, then they will remain in their accustomed rut and deteriorate in it until they die...and likely cause a good deal of misery in the World while they are at it.

Everyone, including the most passionate atheist and the most literal-minded and mundane materialist has a unique religion all his own, although he may categorically refuse to recognize or admit that he does, because his definition of the word "religion" is too narrow.

The most gifted in religious awareness are willing to recognize the value in another's religion, and seek to understand it better. The least gifted despise another's religion, fear it, deny it, and may even take up arms against it.

It's all a matter of free will.

- LH