The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60833   Message #975189
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Jul-03 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Hunt the Mudcat
Subject: RE: Tech: Hunt the Mudcat
Sometimes, the Yet Another Digital Tradition page is referred to as a Digital Tradition or Mudcat "mirror." That's not technically correct because it's not an exact duplicate, but it does serve as an emergency backup for people who need information from the Digital Tradition's 1999 edition. It also is able to convert the Digital Tradition into a number of tune formats.

Those who have foresight can download our current (2002) edition of
the Digital Tradition at our download page.

Sometimes in the past after we've been down, there have been well-meaning individuals who have refreshed every thread from the day before the outage (by posting a new message to each and every damn thread). I think the consensus is that this tactic is obnoxious. It's best to revive only those thread you have a real interest in. The best way to revive a thread is to post a new message that contains additional information. If you have no new information, you can put just "refresh" in the message body - but again, remember that people thing that the wholesale refreshing of threads is annoying.

-Joe Offer-