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Thread #60800   Message #975279
Posted By: GUEST
02-Jul-03 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Now it's 'Operation Sidewinder'
Subject: RE: BS: Now it's 'Operation Sidewinder'
I challenge magazine articles all the time. If the writer makes a gross mis-statement, I point it out. And I've found that most writers support this new fascism either because 1) they WANT to, in which case they don't respond to my e-mails, or 2) they truly were ignorant on some point until I brought it to their attention, in which case they usually answer with a thank you note.

On Sidewinder, I ask American writers how they would feel if Russians invaded America under a plan called 'Operation American Freedom'. Then I point out the 'rebels' in Iraq are just the legal armed militia protecting their homes and families against invaders. Some writers actually haven't seen it from that perspective...they've been buying and disseminating the govt line that Americans are the ones under attack.

A harder fight is the Project for a New American Century report. This is a plan for global domination in the name of the US, but in name only. There is no way the vast plan outlined can be enforced without resorting to some larger governing body, like the U.N. But in naming the report, the architects were hoping to placate Americans who would not look beyond the report. "At least AMERICA will control the new century." Such Bushit. When America is spent, after subduing the Bush Company's 62 rogue nations, all profits will be turned over to the U.N. But that is WAY too far ahead to look when we're being terrorized by our govt with an atrocity a week.