The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60827   Message #975281
Posted By: GUEST
02-Jul-03 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader Considering Running in 2004
Subject: RE: BS: Nader Considering Running in 2004
What is amusing to me is the silly way the right wingers carry on about how much they want Nader to run--as if that somehow validates their own and their Bushie Boy's fanatical, dictatorial misrule of the nation.

Wolfgang is dead on. The only reason for both conservative and liberal reactionaries to delight/abhor the thought of Nader running, is because they so fear that the Democrat that will eventually be crowned, will inevitably be a sacrificial lamb for the fascists.

And it is easy to foresee Republicans and Libertarians drinking the blood of their sworn enemy--their fellow citizens with different beliefs and values than their King's--come November 3, 2004.