The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58495   Message #975366
Posted By: harpgirl
02-Jul-03 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Cakewalk question
Subject: RE: Tech: Cakewalk question
Hi Kim,
I have Cakewalk loaded. I stick a small mic into the mic hole on one of my computers ( the laptop, because I won't bore you with this week's computer disaster) and adjust the mic settings on the computer and then work with the Cakewalk settings to get the effects, tempo, beat, etc I want in each recording.

I can do more than one track on a recording just like a four or eight track digital or analog recorder. I have earphones stuck into the computer since we don't have adequate speakers on this new lap top. I am assuming I can burn CD's from Cakewalk but I haven't done that yet. And as you will note, I am still working the bugs out of my recording process!!

Without Cakewalk, Kim you can find the free RealJukebox players and use those to record in a similar manner. Then you can send the wav. files or convert them to Mp3. Dale Rose helped me find a free RealJukebox player which I have used until I got Caekwalk and started to play with it. Before that I used Mediaring to record and send songs.

With my Boss532, I record into the Boss then take the smart card and convert it with a downloadable wav program and then I can burn CD's from that. However, I haven't figured out how to make sure the effects are properly recorded so my Cd's still sound like crap!

I also have only just begun working with Cakewalk Music Recorder (not the fancy ones) but it seems to work like a more complex recording/mixing board and is a lot of fun. I'm slowly teaching myself all this stuff so I don't want to sound like I know a lot but not many people I know can do any of this around here, so I am teaching myself. Even the guy who sold me the Boss532 didn't really know much after I ran into some issues and finally admitted he hadn't really used it!!!!

I have found that reading sites on home recording with BOSS and other sites, and asking questions on Mudcat has helped me get started!
