The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60658   Message #975770
Posted By: smallpiper
03-Jul-03 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: Review: beverley fest did you enjoy?
Subject: RE: Review: beverley fest did you enjoy?
I don't think you would leave anyone out, intentionally, Pete but then I wasn't there and don't sing anyway. If you did then it would have to have been down to the singers not identifying themselves as such.( but since you can read minds anyway that should not have been too much of a hinderence and you should have known better!).

I was in Nellies (small back room) on sunday afernoon with one or two others and I noticed something which always pisses me off. We were joined by 3 very tallented lady singers and we gave them time to sing and listened quietly and appreciativly to their singing. But both Colin Thompson and I (on seperate occasions) played solo slow airs during which these very tallented ladies talked loudly. So (and yes I know this has been discussed on other threads but I have as yet to recieve an understandable explaination)can somebody please tell me why singers (not all Ossonflags) expect silence yet don't give the same curtesy to musicians?