The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60770   Message #976689
Posted By: *daylia*
04-Jul-03 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Truth about Grass!
Subject: RE: BS: The Truth about Grass!
Rock poetry? Whimsical weedy self-portrayal in a shadow-box? That's sounds most creative and fun too, Fred!

" If we can find out the name of the Eastern Virginia Bower, also called the Devil's Darning Needles, then surely you with your superior powers, higher wisdom, and better looks ... "

WHere the h*** did you get those ideas about me, Fred? Been paying me psychic visits in my dreams or something (I look better ... sometimes even think better asleep, I think!)? Or are you just dissin me?!

" ... can find those sites where you enter your locale and they provide endless images of plants you're apt to see there. It may take searching, scrolling, and difficult rejections of almost-matches, but it will be worth it.

*sigh*   I've wasted a few hours and burned out my eyeballs doing that already, Fred. I've decided it really doesn't matter what they're called, they're so pretty. I intend to "harvest" them in the fall, dry them out, and use them in the dried flower crafts I love fumbling around with. I'm not intending to eat them though!!

happy days --- daylia