The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60936   Message #976824
Posted By: Blackcatter
04-Jul-03 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Why is 'Dixie' considered racist?
Subject: RE: Why is 'Dixie' considered racist?
This crap is precisely what killed Folk music.

Nice to see that we're all connected on a website dedicated to death . . .

As for the Confederate (battle) Flag (and it's aspects still seen in several Southern state flags) I have said for many years that Black communities should begin flying it from their homes, churches, community buildings, stores, wearing on their persons, etc. First of all, it would rip apart the negative meaning promoted by fascist, racist pigs, and secondly it would render it almost meaningless because of how commonly it would be seen. The American flag, as flown after 9-11, is an example of that - how many of us have seen battered, ripped, faded flags or stickers of flags still displayed on cars, in stores, etc. Nothing says we care so little for our country better that not bothering to replace a worn symbol of it every once in a while. The Confederate Battle Flag would succumb to the same condition if Blacks "co-opted" it.

On another note: I noticed my local Walmart had a collection area for old American flags - nice thing for them to do, I guess, and I asked them what they did with them. They said they give them to the local American Legion post for disposal. Knowing the proper way to dispose of a worn U.S. flag, I asked the lady if she knew how the American Legion disposed of the flags. She did not and it gave me great pleasure to let her know that they burn them. She was shocked and told me that I couldn't be right, so I just told her to ask them next time they came in.

A week later, the flag collection had vanished.