The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12430   Message #97714
Posted By: Bert
21-Jul-99 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: The Best Teacher I Ever Had (BS!!!)
Subject: RE: The Best Teacher I Ever Had (BS!!!)
I had this math teacher once, His name was Tampkins. He'd come into class and chat about all sorts of things as well as math. He was very quiet spoken. He never gave homework; he said that it wasn't teaching. Even when teaching calculus he would go back as far as necessary, I've even seen him put 2 + 2 = 4 on the board. He had this gift that somehow, miraculously, at the end of the class you knew about math. There was a saying in the school - "If you don't pass with Tampkins, you'll never pass"
