The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12440   Message #97872
Posted By: Big Mick
22-Jul-99 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern
Hey Leej,

Have I ever shown you my old Guild 12 string?? You got to listen to this beauty, man.........See that pretty woman from Belfast over in the corner.........Names Alison, lives in Oz now. I think I will go over and take this Guild and let it have its head on "The Hiring Fair"......"And all were dancing in the lantern light, and music filled the air and I thank the stars for the harvest moon.......and the girl from the hiring fair". Hey Rick, do me a favor? Play a 3/4 arpeggio in D, I'll play the interlude on the Low D. The song title is "Far From Their Home"...............................all right, some of the rest of you take a turn, I want to concentrate on the Fair One...........Leej, I need a proper jar of Uncle Arthur's (Guinness to the rookies among you) and a wine cooler for this fine looking woman here........Could someone do some blues that will make my head bob up and down? COULD I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE?????....MY NAME IS BIG MICK AND I THINK IT IS TIME FOR A GROUP HUG........GENTLEMAN, STEP TO THE REAR, PLEASE...THANK YOU.......Lord, but I love this place.............
