The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25091   Message #978952
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
08-Jul-03 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: Kenneth Williams
Subject: RE: Kenneth Williams
Billy - thanks for reviving this thread. He was fantastic & Round the Horne was fun. I'm getting all nostalgic, so I had a look at my comedy books - mostly Goon Show, I ight head to the library tomorrow & see what I can find. Maybe put on some of my Goon show tapes, too. Maybe I'll head for the ABC shop & see what BBC classics they have.

I've never owned a TV & have always listened to radio & I've been a fan of the old English radio comedies for decades. Radio National was re-playing 'em yet again at 5.30am on weekdays last year & maybe still are but I no longer wake at that ungodly hour.

There is nothing to beat the old time British comedians - they were all masters of comedy & timing.

I also read his biography when it came out.
