The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60287   Message #979062
Posted By: Steve Parkes
08-Jul-03 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Subject: RE: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Dear Dr Guitar,
My little brother plays guitar, and likes to record himself on his multi-track recorder (he's a bit of a techno-freak). He's asked me to poass on this question to you. He finds it very tedious having to play all the parts one after another, and wonders if he conects his guitar jack to the USB2 port on his PC, will this speed up the process? How if he records straight to CD? His CD writer runs at 48x, which would make a 3-minute track just under 4 seconds. I think it would sound better that way, too.

Yours truly,
Big Brother (not the one on the telly)