The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12430   Message #97909
Posted By: Roger the zimmer
22-Jul-99 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: The Best Teacher I Ever Had (BS!!!)
Subject: RE: The Best Teacher I Ever Had (BS!!!)
No good music teachers I'm afraid but one particularly good English teacher, David Turner, who not only instilled a love of literature, especially the theatre, and writing, and didn't mind us (OK, ME!) using humour in our essays. He used to tell us Black Country (UK version!) stories later broadcast on tv as "Me, Me Dad & His'n" though he wore a battered cloth cap we all saw through his "disguise". He later wrote a lot for BBC radio and television and had one successful stage play produced "Semi-Detached" that Laurence Olivier played the lead in when it transferred to London. He gave up teaching to write full time but, sadly, ended up writing scripts for bad soaps (If I say "Crossroads", UK 'catters will know what I mean) which drove him to drink and an untimely early death.