The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60592   Message #979241
Posted By: GUEST,Jimmy C
08-Jul-03 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thank you, Canada (Same-Sex Marriage)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, Canada (Same-Sex Marriage)
I hate to rain on your PARADE but a union between man and man or woman and woman is NOT a marriage, and never will be, and it does not matter what the government says. Marriage pre-dates law, marriages existed before Canada was even discovwered by whitemen. AMarriage is a unique union between a man and a woman for the sole purpose of creating a family and of being the foundation of a stable society. I know also that many marriages fail for various reasons, and I know that many married couples are childless , some by choice, others not by choice but a society based of a family unit is the best foundation for a stable society that we have so far devised. Just because a number of our population want to change the definition of marriage is no reason for doing so. If two men an/or two women want to form a lifelong relationship with each other that is ok, I have no problem with that - but let's call it what it is - it is a legal union or a registered legal union or a government registered legal union or any number of names, with all the benefits accorded marries couples - there is no problem with that either, BUT IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE A MARRIAGE. What we have in Canada is not a forward thinking government but a bunch of lily livered politicians who bend with whatever wind is blowing. When enough people let their feeling be known about this ruling then it will be reversed, if not by this government but by some future government. Lets just call it a legal union and everyone should be happy but do not call it a marriage because IT IS NOT.