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Thread #61092   Message #979969
Posted By: Ringer
09-Jul-03 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: EU Liars!
Subject: BS: EU Liars!
Why do all British Governments lie to us about Europe? Tony Blair's government, deceitful as all governments before it since the Fat Grocer took us into the "Common Market", is going to sign-up to the new constitution that Giscard d'Estang's clique is putting the finishing touches to right now, without asking whether or not you want to be signed up to it. And once signed up, there'll be no getting out of it.

Yeah, well... It's fear, isn't it? They're all afraid that if they told us the truth we'd rebel.

Hands up those of you who knew that a new constitution was proposed for Europe. Brussels' own research reveals that 61 per cent of Europe's citizens have not even heard of the convention charged with drawing up a constitution in their name. The latest polling from the European Commission's 'Eurobarometer' shows that, across the board, 63 per cent of people reply 'don't know', when asked about Giscard's "historic" work. Almost three quarters are unaware that a new EU constitution was due to be completed this year.

The Laeken declaration, which brought the European Convention's 16-month talking-shop, just completed, into existence, highlighted Europe's democratic deficit as a major challenge. "Within the union, the European institutions must be brought closer to its citizens," declared the EU's great and good in December 2001. "They feel that deals are all too often cut out of their sight and they want better democratic scrutiny." And the result is more democracy? more accountability? more transparent decision making? Um.... No. The result is a new European Constitution. Giscard was asked to come up with some ideas to make the EU more democratic, but came up with an EU constitution instead. "Buggair democracy. Zese ignorant peasants are chiens. Bow down, peasants, je suis Giscard d'Estaing. Je demande my place in 'istory!"

Wake up, Britain! You seem to be sleepwalking into the mire of undemocratic, elitist, bureaucratic corruption that is Europe today.