The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12440   Message #98058
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Jul-99 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern
A cast iron skillet'll work just fine at taming dearie Mick down; an Irish woman under full sail as he calls it. Now, Mick, about those Fertility rites; it might be ya need ta coom back with me to the Temple for a bit more instruction in the Art of Finesse. Yes, Art, ya did a good job, but I think he needs a littl' reinforcement! Oh, and where in the Temple Handbook did it say brass bikinis were allowed?? Aiieeee! No wondering Alison was givin' him whatfor! I thought we women were the only ones allowed to wear any Xena-like intimates!

Well, bbc, another for me would be good. Darn computing has got the ole' muscles tight, again. Now, maybe if you all were to speed things up a bit, say to the tempo of Wipeout I might be able to work the kinks out in a dance or two. Used ta be they'd make a circle around just ta watch me shimmy to it. No, no, I'm not asking for that one specifically, just that fast beat, something we can really mooove to, ya know?