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Thread #61076   Message #981535
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Clark..London.England
11-Jul-03 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Iranian siamese twins
Subject: RE: Iranian siamese twins
Sorry Ratpack,but i'm not getting embroiled in your slanging match..I have expressed my thoughts on this matter...I dont claim to know every detail of the background to this case(then none of you do),but I have always believed doctors were meant to cure their patients not kill them...It seems they did the latter in this case...If the girls wanted to die then that was their bussiness...It is not the place of a doctor to intervene....

Yes one of them would in later life have died,and as in well documented cases before they would probably have taken the other twin with them,tragic as that would be that would have been a natural death....meanwhile these young woman had lives to they only have their own funerals to attend....

Heres an obituary i've found at "Celebrity deathwatch" seems death has now turned these poor unfortunate young women into Celebrities...

Outpouring of grief as twins die
Women underwent 50 hours of continuous surgery
Tuesday, July 8, 2003 Posted: 12:33 PM EDT (1633 GMT)

(CNN) -- The deaths of two conjoined Iranian twins following
unprecedented surgery to separate them has prompted an outpouring of
grief around the world.

Ladan Bijani died when her blood circulation failed after the operation
to separate the twins' brains, officials at Singapore's Raffles
Hospital say. Her sister Laleh died when her circulation failed
one-and-a-half hours later.

Mourners gathered outside of Raffles Hospital and the sad news spread
quickly through the twins' home country of Iran. Thousands of tributes
have been sent to (Your say)

The 29-year-old twins -- both law graduates -- had two distinct brains,
but they were fused together, requiring a team of international doctors
to spend many painstaking hours separating them in surgery dubbed
"Operation Hope."

At a news conference, hospital chairman Dr. Loo Choon Yong said that
when complications arose after their brains were separated, surgeons
had the option to attempt to stabilize them and transfer them to
intensive care, or continue with the most risky part of the surgery.

"The team wanted to know once again what were the wishes of Ladan and
Laleh," he said. "We were told that Ladan and Laleh's wishes were to be
separated under all circumstances.

"We knew the risks were great -- we knew one of the scenarios was that
we would lose both of them," he said.

He said the twins took 50 hours of anesthesia and continuous surgery
well and doctors had been "hopeful but very cautious."

After the brain separation, there was some bleeding which they
tolerated well for a while, he said. But Ladan's surgery began to fail
and she died at 2.30 p.m. (0630 GMT) on Tuesday.

"Laleh was critical but holding on. Surgery to her brain continued. She
continued to receive a blood transfusion. However, her circulation
began to fail also. The whole team did everything to save her." Laleh
died at one-and-a-half hours later.

"We are very grateful and thankful for the help and sacrifice of so
many specialists, doctors, teachers, nurses and other people, all
united with one common purpose, to do something -- anything -- that can
help Ladan and Laleh fulfill their wishes.

"We also want to thank so many people for their prayers -- whether they
are Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, or Muslim -- everyone had been praying
for the twins and we are grateful because as doctors we know there's
only so much we can do, and the rest we have to leave it to the

In Iran, the operation has dominated news coverage in the country. "May
God bless their souls and reward them with peace in their eternal
life," said the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency, in condolences
"to all Iranians across the globe on loss of the two kind sisters on
Tuesday in Singapore City."

Willing to face the risks
The twins made a big impression around the world with their display of
courage and bravery going into the dangerous operation.

Doctors at one point tried to talk them out of the operation, but the
sisters said they were willing to accept the risks and face those
dangers to lead separate lives.

Earlier Tuesday, neurosurgeons carefully teased apart packed brain
tissue millimeter by millimeter in a delicate and risky procedure on
the third day of the operation.

Surgery to separate the twins, who were joined only at the head, began
on Sunday and doctors had to battle against unstable blood pressure
levels as they slowly split apart the fused brains.

The complicated process of paring apart the twins' brains began late
Monday and separating them was one of the most challenging parts of the

Prior to separating the brains, surgeons completed the process of
rerouting a single large vein that served to drain both their brains.

An international team of neurosurgeons, dozens of doctors, plus support
staff created a bypass for Ladan, using a vein grafted from her leg.

This caused another complication, Kumar said, as blood circulation
between the twins became unstable.

A landmark procedure
The operation was a landmark procedure. Although Singapore doctors
performed a similar operation in 2001 on infant Nepalese girls, surgery
on adult twins is unprecedented.

The operation is more difficult in adults than in children whose brains
are better able to recover from the surgery.

Twins joined at the head are the rarest of conjoined twins, occurring
one in every 2 million births. Twins joined elsewhere occur once in
every 100,000 births.

The Bijanis' operation was considered elective because the women likely
would live a normal life span without it.

However, testing showed the sisters had high intracranial pressure,
which, if untreated, could cause frequent debilitating migraines and
impaired vision as well as deteriorating brain function, the hospital

The sisters made an impression on Singapore's public, in part because
of their cheerful demeanor before the operation. Thousands of cards,
flowers, and offers of support were sent to the hospital from around
the world.

The hospital paid for pre-operative fees and the medical costs involved
in operation. The operating surgeons waived their professional fees.
The government of Iran said Monday it would pay $300,000 for
post-operative care.