The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61076   Message #981724
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Clark..London.England
12-Jul-03 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: Iranian siamese twins
Subject: RE: Iranian siamese twins
Lets leave God out of it hey!....I am not remotely religious..the only God I recognise is the world and universe I can see with my own eyes...I have no problem with those that place a human explanation to our existence as long as they do it peacefully....

It seems to me that todays high priests are very often wearing white jackets ansd stephoscopes and occasionaly they start to believe their own hype....I'm sure the doctors who undertook this operation felt they were doing right,but what about the hypocratic oath that is supposed to debar doctors from taking unreasonable chances with their patients.....

Sorry but the patients in this case had no right to expect the doctors to carry out these wishes to seperate them at all costs...they only had a right to expect their doctors to take reasonable care to safeguard their lives...seperating them at all costs was not reasonable I'm sure any medical lawyer would tell you..Of course in Singapore the laws applicable to western medicine may not apply..ipso-facto the operation took place there,and not in the west where protecting the patients life is supposed to be the first priority...

The patients in this case were not dieing(migraine however painful is not a life threatening condition) comparisons with high risk heart surgurey when faced with the probability of imminent death is totaly spurious..
