The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13337 Message #981763
Posted By: GUEST,John T
12-Jul-03 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: Whatever happened to Matt McGinn? (1928-1977)
Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Matt McGinn?
I knew Matt well and I have heard this story before. I think it's nonsense. I am sure he would have loved to have had any of his songs carry on in any parodied form.
Matt had a whole LP of parodies. To me it wasn't his finest Lp, ( to others it may be though!) but I have no doubt he wouldn't have taken offence to a parody of one of his.
Talking of his finest Lps; most people don't realise how many Lps he released. There was Matt McGinn, Matt McGinn Again, Honesty is out of the Fashion, Sampler, Tinny Can on my Tail, and Take me Back to the Jungle which were all full of his songs. He then released The Two Heided Man, the Two Heided Man Strikes Again and Screwtops are Falling on my Head, which had songs, stories and jokes. The songs on The Two Heided Man and the Two Heided Man Strikes Again include classics such as Depth of my Ego. Apart from the above he also had parts on other Lps ( such as the folk song revival lps ) and singles icluding The Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede.... all too much to mention here.
The book McGinn of the Calton is excellent, and the more I hear and read his work the more I realise that there is still a great amount to be re-discovered.