The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61140   Message #981811
Posted By: GUEST,Loooooooooooooooooooooong John Sliver
12-Jul-03 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ship's Tavern - Squid Squishers & Haunts
Subject: RE: BS: Ship's Tavern - Squid Squishers & Haunts
Kat, lash, I'd never do naught that might offend a fine woman like yerself. At least not a-purposeful.

Ye might like ta pop over ta the Giant Squid, as I've set 'em straight there about what washed ashore. An' they treated me to a mighty good and mighty big bit o' spirits there, too, and I'm certain sure that ye wouldn't want to be outdone by that load of lubbers now, would ye now?