The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12460   Message #98193
Posted By: Max
22-Jul-99 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: Max is taking action
Subject: RE: Max is taking action
Look everyone. You have to understand that I am talking about behavior that is carefully controlled borderline crime. Unless you are used to making threats and using the information and technology within the Mudcat to stalk, hurt or scare people you have no fear of crossing a line.

I have a certain liability publishing this Web site. And I am not really talking about a legal or civil liability, more a moral liability. If someone figured out someone elses address on the Mudcat, then went and killed them, I would be less worried about the civil/criminal implications of my site, but that sheer guilt and karma that would come down on me for this to happen because of me. Though, perhaps the dead person's family would sue me like they did to the Jenny Jones show.

Yes, in time this may have all blown over. But no less than 6 people personally contacted me about a problem, and I did not feel right telling them that I will not act on it because it will blow over.

Everyone relax, I am talking about much more serious stuff than heated debates or strong opinions and misconstrued wit. If you talk about bombs in an airport, your going to go to jail, simple. If on the Mudcat you say things like "I know where you live", or "I'm gonna get you" I have a moral and civil obligation to do something about it. If it's misunderstood wit, I am giving you the chance to call me and explaining that to me. Also, I must see a patern, not an isolated incident. Nobody worry, this in not censorship. I want to feel safe running this site, and I want you to feel safe being here.

dick: I did not kick anyone off, just asked them to call me to discuss the situation.

Mathew B: The Line is very similar to the laws of most nations (ie, murder, harrasment, stalking). Something tells me you don;t have to worry.

annap: For the most part, yes, they can just log in under a new name, but you would be surprised at the various ways I have to detect and prevent such stuff. I can not make it impossible, but I can do a lot.

And one last thing, my official comment on the BS issue: I like it. Art=Music=Life=BS