The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57478   Message #982287
Posted By: cetmst
13-Jul-03 - 07:48 AM
Thread Name: Your Favourite Hymn
Subject: RE: Your Favourite Hymn
"How Great Thou Art", "My God and I", "The Holy City", "Consider the Lilies", my view colored by the fact that as a teenager my wife sang these as church solos, one of many reasons we married. One Sunday morning shortly before we were married we had been out until 3:00 AM and when she started "How Beautiful Upon the Mountain" the first note came out as a God-awful croak. Her mother sitting beside me glared at me, but she signaled her sister at the organ to begin again and sang it flawlessly. She never sang "Be Thou My Vision" but it is our favorite.
Also have a fondness for some unfortunately titled songs, "Jesus Lay in a Basement", "Gladly the Cross-Eyed Bear" and the incestuous "Gentle Mary Laid Her Son"