The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12460   Message #98235
Posted By: Jack (who is called Jack)
22-Jul-99 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: Max is taking action
Subject: RE: Max is taking action
One comment and one prediction.

All social groups come down to this eventually. Sometimes it takes a long time, sometimes it happens right away. It usually needs a group to be large, but not always. Impasses are a naturally occuring feature of group behavior. You get enough people together and eventually some of them are going to fight, or misbehave, or challenge the generally accepted code of conduct. Eventually some of these situations will come to point where the group members will come to a choice between three options, put up with the irritation, quit the group, or designate a system to ajudicate the impasse.

Sometimes a group can resolve these conflicts, and avoid the impasses for a long enough time to believe that there's something special about the group that will prevent them from occuring. Its pretty to think so, but nobody's ever figured out a way to avoid this stuff forever. Eventually you'll come across a person or persons that just wont back down.

Its to Mudcats credit, (and Max's) that its gone so well for so long.

But all groups come to a point where they have to decide whether to let an intractable disruption persist, or to exclude it.

There's a gospel song, the sentiment's a little harsh for my theololgy, and its not what I call the appropriate first response, but it kind of fits the issue.

There's a brother in the church (there's a brother in the church)

An he won't do right (an he won't do right)

Tell me what you gonna do?

Take him to the door and take your foot and kick him out and let the church roll on.