The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61217   Message #982979
Posted By: GUEST,Don Hakman (donuel)
14-Jul-03 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Kennebunkport Hillbillies
Subject: BS: The Kennebunkport Hillbillies
Come and listen to a story bout a man named Jeb
He helped throw to elections so his bro could get ahead
Grandpa made a fortune off the Nazis and was sued
but now they make their money offa bubbilin crude.
(Oil that is...Iraqi gold.)

The first thaing ya know Jeb's dads a millionaire
He bought his kids some schoolin but the kids just didn't care
The oldest brother Neil ripped off Silverado Bank
The middle brother George drank so much that he stank.
(booze that is...hooch, with a cocaine chaser.)

Ol dad became the president of the United States.
The CIA made sure he was the perfect candidate.
He had others do his lyin and we had a couple wars.
But he lost the next election and he really was sore.
(Pissed that is...)

Jeb was given Florida, a graduation gift.
He was groomed ta be the Prez but there's an unexpected shift.
Somehow George did better on the dusty campaign trail.
George could not speak clearly so they thought he would fail.
(Like in Congress, the oil biz and National Guard.)

To win a tough election they all knew just what to do.
They changed a lot of ballots of good folks like me and you.
No longer a contender poor Jeb took one for the team.
Like all the rest of us he really got reamed.
(F'd that is...screwed, trapped in the family business of blood money and oil. )

Y'all come back now...

DH 2003