The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #98389
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Jul-99 - 04:32 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
Those were really good, campers! In honor of all your good work (and to keep the mosquitoes away), let's have a Harvard cheer. OK, everybody, get your dirty handkerchiefs out of your pockets - the dirtier, the better - and get ready to wave them. Ready?
H-A-R, with a Veeeeeee
V-A-R, with a Deeeeeee
Harvard, Harvard,
(wave those handkerchiefs!)
OK, kids, sorry to get you stirred up like that. Now, settle down or we'll send you all home to Mommy, and we counselors will have a party the rest of the season.
-"Crazy Joe" Offer-