The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61210   Message #984018
Posted By: GUEST
15-Jul-03 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: English Summer
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
Hallo Sian...

Of course I'll get you the recipe... it uses a lot of sugar but it strangly refreshing - in a granny kind of way... fuddles the senses and brings back all sorts of memories! It'll take some getting, I'll have to twist a few of my family's fingers but I'll get it you as soon as I can!

Nope, you can't just soak the lavender in lemonade - but I'll tell you how...

I'm at the squeltch show working on the Tuesday all day I'll tell you where when I pm with the recipe! I'll be having fun with trees is all I'm saying!

It rained here too in the Southern most bit of S. Wales. I was on me way to teach music in Newport and big drops of the wet stuff (and no alcohol involved) for about ten minutes then nothing...:-(

THough, if Flossie (my cat) is anything to go by she is currently doing laps around the house doing a good impression of a besom in a fit! THis usually means there's a weather change about....

PPPPPS SOS SOS... does anyone know how to get rid of caterpillars on my new growing tomatoes? IT's my first ever crop and the little blighters are having a ball on the matoes..... grrrrrr!

