The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20019   Message #984245
Posted By: Steve Parkes
16-Jul-03 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Seasons in the Sun
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Need lyrics to 'Seasons in the Sun'
Thanks, Emma. I goes very much against the grain for me to contradict lady, but might I respectfully suggest "skinned our knees" and "won't you dance"?

Mark, yes, Harvison's version is less unpleasant than the original. When he sang it at Bedford FC he did say he'd tried is best to maintain the spirit. Not easy, if you wan to keep all the rhymes too!

Emma: a quick HTML lesson, so you can show off like we do! For
"é" type in "é"
"É" type in "É"
"è" type in "è"
"&" type in "&"
"<" type in "&lt;"
">" type in "&gt;"

There's an html practice thread somewhere ...
