The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49704   Message #984255
Posted By: IanC
16-Jul-03 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: What's a Mummers Play?
Subject: RE: What's a Mummers Play?

The Paston letters don't actually describe a mummers play (though a manuscript, including part of a script of Robin Hood and The Sherrif of Nottingham, dated 1475, has been associated with John Paston). There is an excerpt which states that a servant was retained for playing in the Robin Hood and St George plays. Here 'tis.

[16 April 1473]
To John Paston Esquer in Norffolk
No mor, but I have ben and ame troblyd with myn over large and curteys delyng with my servants, and now with ther onkynd nesse; Plattyng, yowr men wolde thys daye byd me ffar well to to morrow at Dover, notwithstandyng Thryston yowr other man is ffrom me, and John Myryell, and W. Woode whyche promysed yow and Dawbeney, God have hys sowle, at Castre, that iff ye wolde take hym in to be ageyn with me, that then he wold never goo ffro me, and ther uppon I have kepyd hym thys iij. yer to pleye Seynt Jorge and Robyn Hod and the Shryff off Notyngham, and now when I wolde have good horse he is goon into Bernysdale, and I withowt a keeper.

Wryten at Canterburye, to Caleys warde on Tewesday and happe be, uppon Good Frydaye the xvj. daye off Apryll, Anno E. iiijti xiijo

Yowr J.P., K.


John Paston was a bit of a joker too, as the description of his servant as "goon into bernysdale" is obviously a quote from the Robin Hood play!
