The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61280   Message #985658
Posted By: Frankham
17-Jul-03 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pat's Supreme Threat to Supremes!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Pat's Supreme Threat to Supremes!!!

You mentioned, "What then, do I do when I recognize that throughout history, even today, different sects of religions, Shiite and Suni's for example, whenever they get in power, tend to persecute the other, and strip them of their rights?"

This has been precisely the position of Christianity in the Crusades and of Torquemada's Spain. Even under early Islam, in the history of Budapest, Jews were tolerated and thriving. When Christians moved in defeating Islam, they buried the synagogues and temples and placed their own churches and cathedrals over them.

The history of Christianity is not free from repression and subjections of the religions of others. This is unfortunate because this is not how I read the teachings of Jesus especially personified by the Sermon on the Mount. This leads me to the conclusion that many Christians today do not inherently practice their religion.

Frank Hamilton