The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12474   Message #98582
Posted By: SeanM
23-Jul-99 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: Come you pranksters, fess up!
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
Under the 'destructive and pointless things' pranks department...

This is a true story (I swear!)

Friend of mine's brother was in charge of munitions disposal at a Naval Weapons Station about 2 miles from my High School (Southern California).

Said brother sold said friend about 15 pounds of metallic sodium, which said friend then distributed to all of his friends. Sadly, I had the flu during distribution and didn't get any (Really!).

A season of exploding lockers and trash cans ensued, along with a fire on the front lawn (metallic sodium combusts and/or explodes in contact with water. Crumble sodium, sprinkle on lawn shortly before the sprinklers come on...)

The last straw was when some genius dumped about a full pound block in to the pool. It emptied a large amount of the water out of the pool, cracked the bottom, and caused an evacuation.

The wages of sin were fierce... the school admin launched an investigation, found out who was distributing, and searched all of his friend's lockers. Anyone found with sodium was expelled, and a few were brought up on criminal charges.

Tonight on Mudcat... WHEN PRANKS ATTACK!