The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61351   Message #986276
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jul-03 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brilliant U.S. Victory
Subject: RE: BS: Brilliant U.S. Victory
Yes, yes...

Other trophies of the glorious American forces reside in the Smithsonian. I believe Sitting Bull's winchester rifle is there, for example, and various other items stolen from Indian gravesites in numerous places.

Blowing Saddam's statue up was silly, but it did provide another neat photo-op for the Nintendo-addled minds of North America, I suppose. They might better have simpy carted the whole thing away undamaged to Washington and mounted it there as a trophy of war to intrigue future generations of fast food eaters.

It's easy to destroy things...but quite hard to build them. That is why the stupidest among us simply delight in blowing things up.

Go to any Hollywood blockbuster and you will see an endless succession of expensive things being smashed and blown up, accompanied by a thundering soundtrack. Why this appetite for mayhem? I believe it has something to do with a civilization that is beginning to subconsciously despise itself for its slavery to materialism and excess. People get a catharsis seeing the stuff they can't afford to buy get wrecked, and they call that "entertainment". How sad.

- LH