The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61337   Message #986443
Posted By: Bassic
19-Jul-03 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stuff left out of Harry Potter
Subject: RE: BS: Stuff left out of Harry Potter
Here here! PLEASE dont wrap your kids in cotton wool. Know what they are reading, explain context to them, reassure them, but let them have a flavour of life and the real world. I am not a naturally literate person, I understand music at a far more instinctive level than I do litterature. I have always been able to "spell" musically but English has always been hard work. I am so thankfull that I was encouraged to read when I was younger.
As a consequence I am still child like in my reading in that all I really care about in a book is if it has a good story but I HAVE got the skills to access good literature when the need or mood takes me, its just hard work thats all. And why do I have those skills? Because I read Enid Blyton and Biggles amongst others. Probably all now banned as being racist, too violent or some other such PC infringement.
Its not that they were great literature, but they got me READING! My later education was then able to access that skill so that I could appreciate good literature and develop my own oppinions about stuff and understand those of others. How are you expected to truly appreciate most of Monty Pythons humour if you have never read Biggles? I am not saying that we should be writing those kinds of stories now for todays children, society and its norms have moved on since those days, but PLEASE stop overprotecting them. I would rather any child of mine was curled up in bed reading a Potter book than surfing the net or "playing" in the street. Far more "danger" there I would think?