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Thread #61386   Message #986626
Posted By: CapriUni
19-Jul-03 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
Subject: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
I have been composing stories for nearly as long as I have been using language.

For the last fourteen years, I have been a regular contributor to The Art Garden, a "literary magazine for the stage," where writers independently create works inspired by a given theme, and then gather on one night to read their work before a live audience.

And then, on June 3rd, a few days before the latest Art Garden, I received the following in my email from the Art Garden editor:

Dear Ann--

I had a wonderful experience at a conference this weekend called Women
and Power which I hope to tell you more about on Sat.

There I had a shamanic healing journey. Some images came up for me, and I thought I would like a story that incorporates these images, but many things are requiring my writing time at the moment. Then I thought- Ann !

So here's my idea: I would like to commission you to write a story for me. It's sort of like doing an Art Garden piece, except that I want to pay you for it, as one would pay any kind of healer. So think about what you would charge. Of course you retain all rights to publishing it, etc.

[snippity, snip].

Then I thought that this could be a very cool thing, if you are open to it. People could hire writers and artists to create healing art for them, or as gifts for other people. Think about it. if the idea sits well with you, I will announce it at the Art Garden. I myself am very excited!

See you soon-- Love, Irene

The letter blew me away, and it took me a few days to get my mind around it, and I'm still not sure it's all the way around it. ;-)

I mean, I've long thought of poems and stories as potentially magic -- in the literal sense of empowering the audience, and opening the way to profound change. But to have someone else actually willing to pay me to write something for her as a healer. ...the mind boggles...

It struck me at the time, and it still strikes me as such, that whatever powers that be in the universe seem to be calling my bluff:

"You say that storytelling is at the core of being human -- that the storytellers were the first shamans and magicians, who helped their clans to overcome great challenges? You call yourself a storyteller? Okay then -- Prove It!!"

So after sleeping on it, I said "Yes -- I'll do it."

And so my life, which, at the beginning of this year, seemed destined to roll on unchanging for the forseeable future, now looks like it may make a big turn in a new direction... The idea of what might be around the corner on this new path sure is exciting.

I finished that story this week, by the way, and got it off in the mail yesterday.

And just now, I've put my storywriting services up here, in the Mudcat Auction.

Heh. The first piece of advice given to writers is often "Know your subject." The advice that follows close behind is "Know your audience." Usually, that's meant in the abstract. It's a nice feeling when you know your audience as an individual person. :-)