The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61250   Message #986833
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jul-03 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq War Lies
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq War Lies
Hey, G, I don't give a rat's posterior about assasination when it is compared with dropping over 30,000 bombs on people that ain't Saddam!

So lets look at what we have done because we feel that assasination isn't a moral way to go. Ahhhhh, this is in number of folks killed.

* Saddam = Probably zero

** Non-Saddams= Possibly 100,000 or more...

Hmmmmm, let me get the ol' Wes Ginny Slide Rule involved here. Okay, W.G.S.L.. here's the question. If yer engry with one guy is it best to:

A. Kill him

B. Don't kill him. but kill 100,000 other folks

C. Don't kill no one, but bring Saddam back into the CIA fold where he hasspent most of his life and cajole him into letting the US have more say in the way Iraq is run.

D. Nuke Iraq and then Iran and then North Korea and then... and then....
