The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #98722
Posted By: Big Mick
23-Jul-99 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
OK........OK..........FAIR ONE, I guess we will go for a walk, strictly cuz I don't want you to trip..........Uh, Rick, will you hold this 12 string for me............Uh, never mind, ............Rib,would you..........nope, never mind........Alice, I think I should leave this with you for safe keeping. And here is my bodhran........wait, there is a fire here, I better take that with me. C'mon FAIR ONE, I think I saw a nice hill over here a piece........wait, almost forgot the Low D................What's that Obi Wan Offer?.........Uh, no thanks, we will be fine by ourselves. Why don't you lead these fine folks in another cheer until we get back. Then we will sing Liam's Brothers version of "Billy O'Shea"...................