The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61026   Message #987287
Posted By: musicmick
21-Jul-03 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pilar Rahola on leftist anti-Semitism
Subject: RE: BS: Pilar Rahola on leftist anti-Semitism
Guest from New York City,

They dont care about history or balance. Their minds are set and they reject anything that challenges their position, out of hand. It is time that Jews realize that we are never going to get a fair deal from the Gentile world. They stood by when we were oppressed, when we were driven from our homes, when we were slaughtered through the centuries. They turned their backs when we pled for sanctuary. When they, finally, permitted us a homeland in the midst of our enemies, they ignored their own treaties and left us alone when we were attacked by the majority of the Arab world. Their position has not changed. They insist that we capitulate to terrorists, even to the point of self destruction. If we defend ourselves, they call us terrorists. There is no way that these bigots-in-denial will ever employ empathy toward the Jews. Their sympathies will always be with the underdog and, in fact, the Palestinians fit that bill to a historical T. (The Palestinians have always been the low men on the Arab totem pole. They have provided cheap labor for their more propertied brethren for centuries. Their lot is, in no small way, attributable to their lack of a homeland just as the Jews have suffered from their homeless status).
So, my NYC friend, dont expect a fair shake on any issue involving Israel. We will not convince them with history or reality. all we can do is call them what they are, refute their lies and one sided reports, and strive to maintain our own humanity in these horrible times. We must never become the evil we contest. Our enemies may desire our extinction but we must not desire theirs. They will define us but we must not accept their defination. One day, the fighting will end and we must be prepared for a just and merciful peace.