The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #98774
Posted By: WyoWoman
24-Jul-99 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
Hey, Big Mick. If you're feeling lonely and rejected, I might have the cure -- or at least a little ol' port in the storm. Bring that brass bra over here and sit a spell. Just sing me the sweetest song you know. I'm feeling languid and lovely tonight, hoping we might see the Northern Lights dance on the dome of the sky if we pay attention and don't drift off. Or just lean back and listen, all of you, real quiet-like, and I'll sing you "Night Rider's Lament..."

"... But they've never seen the Northern Lights, Never seen a hawk on the wing, Never seen the spring hit the Great Divide, Never heard old camp cookie sing ... " )And then it goes into my high, lilting yodel, the one that makes all the cowboys go, "Ahhh." )