The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61250   Message #987808
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jul-03 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq War Lies
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq War Lies
Yo, T. The Washington Post did an article with a brakdown of of the number of bombs dropped on Iraq. It exceeded 30,000 bombs. Now, some of these bombs mighta killed no one and some might have killed 20 or 50 or 100? Heck, ain't real no wat to know. But, if I'm a general running the show and I'm ordering 30,000 bombs dropped on *enemy* targets, I'd be purdy danged disgusted if I was told that I was only killing 3 *enemy* per bomb. Now, with that said, I don't think that 100,000 is to far out of line.

Historians will sort it out for you soon enough, T-ster, just as they are unfolding the layers and layers of lies you hero, Tony Bush, has told over the last year or two....

And until you can come up with a better number of Iraqi casulties, I'll stick with the *conservate* 100,000... for now...
