The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61067   Message #987878
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Jul-03 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Open Letter to the Angel of Death
Subject: RE: BS: An Open Letter to the Angel of Death
Right on, guys! Count me in for the after-death get-togethers, where we can compare notes on mortality and suchlike, assuming we end up frequenting the same broadcasting band, so to speak. Then there's always the possibility of conspiring together to incarnate in another Earth life and be a royal pain in the butt to some of our erstwhile adversaries on this forum...yet again!

If it's any help, my mother had an out-of-body experience once when very ill and in the hospital. It convinced her that consciousness is not necessarily confined to one's physical body. But I know that second-hand anecdotes are only interesting to believers and simply an annoyance to confirmed skeptics, so why bother?

Either to believe or not believe in a spiritual concept requires faith...and plenty of it. You just gotta pick what you want to have faith in, that's all...and that's what everybody does, according to their own makeup and background. Then they defend that faith with all the passion, logic, and wit they can enlist in its defence.

Patriotism is like that too, not to mention political and religious allegiances of all kinds. In fact, I would contend that politics IS a religion, whether or not your political theory happens to incorporate "God".

- LH