The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #98789
Posted By: WyoWoman
24-Jul-99 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
"Well, I finished up all of my letter, Tore off the stamp for Black Jim, Little Dougie rode up to relive me. He looked at my letter and grinned.

(And he asked me) "Why do we ride for our money? Why do we rope for short pay? We ain't gettin' nowhere and we're losing our share. Ah, we all must be crazy out here...

"But they've never seen the Northern Lights, Never seen a hawk on the wing, Never seen the spring hit the Great Divide, Never heard a coyote sing, Oh-di-lay-di-oh, Oh-di-lay-di-ah Oh-di-lay-ee, Oh-di-lay-ee-Ohhh...."

Ouch! S**t! My boot sole's smokin from the campfire...