The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60592   Message #988422
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Jul-03 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thank you, Canada (Same-Sex Marriage)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, Canada (Same-Sex Marriage)
We each attempt to understand God in our own way, GUEST, assuming we believe in God at all, and I certainly do. If our understanding is different, then what? Do I have the right to force you, by civil law, to be in accord with my understanding of God? I don't think so.

You will have a very hard time finding people who think that rape is okay. You will have less difficulty finding people who think lynching is okay, and many of them in the past professed a very strong belief in the God you allude to even while they lynched people. How did that happen? Was it God's fault? No. It was because people tend to decide for themselves what God's will is, according to their own innate prejudices and in the heat of the action...even if they do go straight to the Bible for their authority.

It so happens that my view of marriage and its responsibilities pretty well dovetails with yours, but I don't think that gives me the right to legislate against gay relationships when those relationships are conducted in a harmless manner by consenting adults who have a right to their own privacy. I'm not sure I'd legislate for them either. I'd just let gays be together freely if they so desire (because it's none of my business)...and the fact is, they are going to do that anyway, regardless of what you or I think.

Who is God? Tell me what you think about that. And what does God require?

- LH