The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61498   Message #988931
Posted By: GUEST,Rex on the work 'puter
23-Jul-03 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Rex has a new CD: Frontier Favorites
Subject: Rex has a new CD
Attention: lovers of 19th century music. My friend Mark Gardner and I have built a CD of music from around the time of the Mexican War and the Civil War. Frontier Favorites: Old-Time Music of the Wild West. About half vocals and half instrumentals. Mark used six different banjos on the recordings. Two from the 1880's, one from around 1900, two from the early 20th century and a reproduction of an 1840's tackhead. He also plays bones and jawbone (yes, the jawbone of an ass, just like Samson) to great effect. I am playing fiddle with a bit of mandolin and guitar. These pieces were done in the styles of the times and have been well researched. Some of the 21 tracks are: Old Dan Tucker, De Boatman's Dance, Gen. Pike's Dixie, Barlow Knife, and yes, Capt. Jinks of the Horse Marines. The CD will be sent to you for $15 ppd. Contact: to order. This music will set your toe to tapping. Try it and you will use no other.
