The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59336   Message #989062
Posted By: The Barden of England
23-Jul-03 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: New guitar recommendations
Subject: RE: New guitar recommendations
Grab - Richard mentioned the I-Beam I have in my Fylde. He is correct, I love it. It is an active pick-up, but I do run it through the LR Baggs Paracoustic DI. It would suit your Lowden I'm sure as it doesn't fit under saddle just like the PUTW. He also mentioned Brian Rodgers has fitted one to his 0000-28 Martin with great results. I also happen to know that Chris While has just fitted one to her Fylde too, so there's some recommendation. Try as, even with import duty, they are so much cheaper than can be bought here in the UK.