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Thread #61250   Message #989444
Posted By: Teribus
24-Jul-03 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq War Lies
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq War Lies
Thanks for the links GUEST of 22 Jul 03 - 01:43 PM

The " counts the true human cost of war, not just "Our Side" - A read of how they compile their figures will also show that the human cost also includes Iraqi civilians killed by Iraqi civilians. It also lists all Iraqi deaths from the point in time the day the statue fell as civilian deaths, including the Iraqi soldiers who carried on fighting in civilian clothes. This sites worst case puts total civilian deaths at 7,782 - somewhat short of Boberts 100,000 figure. In that site links are provided - go through them there is one based in New Zealand that provides a breakdown.

Bobert brought his "thin air" figure up as those killed during the recent conflict. You wish to give it credence by opening the window so that Iraqi deaths attributable to the West spans from 1983 to present day. Bit of a fanciful stretch that isn't it? The "West" didn't urge Saddam Hussein into his war with Iran (In that conflict the West helped both sides at times when each particular side looked like losing - in the case of Iraq, Iraq also received help from neighbouring Arab nations).

The article from FAIR you direct my attention to, "Human costs of war and sanctions in Iraq", is dated and relies on "statistics" that are nothing of the kind. Re the "stock-piling" of medical supplies, that the Iraqi Health Authorities claimed were buffer supplies to be used in the event of any emergency. If as you seem to give credence to the evidence of the "statistics" and a half a million children under the age of 5 years old had died, somewhere along that path, at what point would you have declared that process an emergency and released those supplies.

As you seem all to eagre to apportion blame for deaths in Iraq on the "West" and "the policies of the West". Does that mean that the "West and it's policies" are to be given credit for the population increase in Iraq (Damn near 26% from 1990 to 2002 - 18.9 million in 1990 increased to 23.2 million in 2002).