The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61527   Message #989478
Posted By: Raptor
24-Jul-03 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Doing your Part
Subject: BS: Doing your Part
I, after a while of trying, have reduced the weekly garbage at my house to 1 gerocery bag of trash!

We have done this through sorting, recycaling, and composting!

You can recycal almost all paper and cardboard products! and you can compost almost anything!

It all started when I heard David Sezzuki speaking about reducing I thought that we should try but living in a small apt we couldn' compost easily. Now we live in a house it is easy!
It was reported on the radio that Canada generates enough garbage in a year to fill 6 football fields 1 mile high and that 40%-60% of that is compostable.

Forgive me if you think I'm preachey I'm just happy about reaching a goal that benifits this Wonderfull Country! And our Wonderfull neighbours to the south.(We export our garbage to Michigan)

I will also start shopping with a less waste attitude!

If anyone has sudgestions or a similar story please post it here!

We need a break from all the war threads that we are fighting on!
