The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12477   Message #98974
Posted By: Dave Swan
24-Jul-99 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern -- Round 2
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern -- Round 2
Evenin' Catters! How d'you like my costume? With the aloha shirt and giant moustache, I even fooled the computer into thinking I'm Dave Swan!

It's ME guys, PJ!! The system still won't let me post under my own name, so I've decided to relax and enjoy it. Besides, I figure if they can't tell me from Dave, there could be some advantages...

I'll finally hear the punch lines to all those jokes Fadac and Seed whisper out of my earshot at Quinns. Maybe people will think I'm smarter! When you're blonde they tend to spell stuff in front of you.

Spaw! You make a Jack and Coke like my daddy taught me to drink it! bbc, could you set me up with one of those?


Could somebody tell me what Peter T. was doing at the door with his hands on the side of his face? And tell Rick if he'll help me roll Big Mick off the pool table, I've got my quarters down for a Kentucy 8...

Feels like comin' home (well, except for the cross-dressin part, this is kinda weird)...

Alison, maybe we can have a BABALOO bodhran line later?

Now where's that fireman hunk that just got off a 72 hour shift?
