The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61529   Message #989979
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
24-Jul-03 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: Folk Radio Shows
Subject: RE: Folk Radio Shows
When my last CD came out we earmarked and drilled something like 800 CDs to go to folk radio stations. When Andrew Calhoun (at Waterbug Records) told me his plans I was simply amazed. I'd been away from the folk marketplace in this brave new millenium long enough that I had no idea that was what it might take to "push" the recording. If I ever do it again, I think it would be best to pick and choose those folk DJs who are likely to play revival-trad songs etc. like I used to sing. There are many DJs who only play singer/songwriter recordings these days. I still think 800 was too many CDs to skim off the top and write off.

Anyone out there have an idea on this???

Art Thieme