The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #99025
Posted By: Penny S.
25-Jul-99 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
LEJ, sorry about jumping in like that - it was very much the middle night, and as soon as I'd done it, I thought "that was a typo", but I really, really, didn't want to dwell too much on that posting, and I couldn't bring myself to drop back in and say anything. Not because of greatcoat man, but because thinking about him twitched some other memories better left.

The nearest anyone will get to an explanation of that is for me to say that after I posted the leprechaun story the other week, and there had been a brief discussion about leaving cream out, I thought it would be a joke to do so, really, so that I could then post and say what happened to it. (Rational me was having conniption fits over this, but I didn't want to joke about it as if I'd done it, if I hadn't.) Anyway, I was on my way downstairs to the front door with a medicine measure of top-of-the-milk with apple spirit when something in my mind said, very strongly, "Don't invite anything in." So I didn't.

And if I write any more of these, from my own experience, I will be doing just that.
