The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12472   Message #99035
Posted By: Penny S
25-Jul-99 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: RE: Mudcat Campfire
Now down at the Internet Cafe.

Some time after I moved in, I became aware of something in my spare room. This was after I had my twin nieces to stay, separately, their first time away by themselves. One of them did have a nightmare or two, but I had put that down to being away from home. When I became aware of this feeling, I worried a bit about their having been in there, but they (now adult) have told me they never noticed anything, so that's all right. Anyway, I became aware of this feeling, and it was very unpleasant. I became increasingly unwilling to go in there. I asked a friend to go in there, and he felt it too, though we can't be absolutely sure that this is independent corroboration, as he knew I was asking for some reason, and knew I wouldn't be doing so for a smell of roses. All I could think of to do was to make sure I went in there to pray. Not to exorcise, just to make sure that whatever it was was aware that I called on God, and also that I was not going to be expelled from a part of my home. In 1987, we had our big wind, and a friend of the friend I mentioned lost his mobile home (the roof peeled off like the lid of a tin of sardines), and I agreeed to put him up until it was replaced. I was a little worried about this. However, it turned out that he was very religious, and made a habit of reading the offices (Matins, Compline, etc) every day. There has been nothing in there since. He never noticed anything. Another friend who has slept there didn't either, and when we asked him, in connection with the phantom doorbell ringer, he said the house had a very good feel about it. But I do sense that something may be about outside sometimes, and I don't want to draw its attention. Does that make sense?

The doorbell ringer story may be entirely electronic, and as I was going to try to use it in another leprechaun story, you'll have to wait. But that one is corroborated by a NASA astrophysicist, and some Cambridge physicists, too!

Penny (who slept quite weel last night.)